PSHE Citizenship Policy
Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) and Citizenship Policy
This Policy was approved by the Governing Body: September 2002 Review Date: September 2023
Signature ………………………………………… (Chair of Governors) Signature ………………………………………… (Headteacher)
Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE)
and Citizenship Policy
1 Aims and objectives
1.1 Personal, social and health education (PSHE) and citizenship enables children to become healthy, independent and responsible members of society. We encourage our pupils to play a positive role in contributing to the life of the school and the wider community. In so doing we help develop their sense of self worth. We teach them how society is organised and governed. We ensure that they experience the process of democracy in school through the school council. We teach them about rights and responsibilities. They learn to appreciate what it means to be a positive member of a diverse multicultural society.
1.2 The aims of personal, social and health education and citizenship are to enable the children to:
● know and understand what constitutes a healthy lifestyle;
● be aware of safety issues;
● understand what makes for good relationships with others;
● have respect for others;
● be independent and responsible members of the school community; ● be positive and active members of a democratic society;
● develop self-confidence and self-esteem, and make informed choices regarding personal and social issues;
● develop good relationships with other members of the school and the wider community.
2 Teaching and learning style
2.1 We use a range of teaching and learning styles. We place an emphasis on active learning by including the children in discussions, investigations and problem-solving activities. We encourage the children to take part in a range of practical activities that promote active citizenship, e.g. charity fundraising, the planning of school special events such as an assembly or open evening, or involvement in an activity to help other individuals or groups less fortunate than themselves. We organise classes in such a way that pupils are able to participate in discussion to resolve conflicts or set agreed classroom rules of behaviour. We offer children the opportunity to hear visiting speakers, such as health workers, police, and representatives from the local church, whom we invite into the school to talk about their role in creating a positive and supportive local community.
3 PSHE and citizenship curriculum planning
3.1 We teach PSHE and citizenship in a variety of ways. In some instances, e.g. drugs education, we teach PSHE and citizenship as a discrete subject; and follow the SEBS curriculum, the emphasis of SEBS use in Key Stage 2.
3.2 Some of the time we introduce PSHE and citizenship through other subjects, e.g. when teaching about local environmental issues in geography, we offer pupils the opportunity to explore who is responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of local parks and cycle paths. As there is a large overlap between the programme of study for religious education and the aims of PSHE and citizenship, we teach a considerable amount of the PSHE and citizenship through our religious education lessons. Each class does however, have a designated time tabled lesson. We also hold an Anti-Bullying Week which looks at PSHE themes.
3.3 We also develop PSHE and citizenship through activities and whole-school events, e.g. the school council representatives from each class meet regularly to discuss school matters. We offer regular school visits, days out to local amenities and further a field, were there is a particular focus on developing self esteem and giving children various opportunities to develop leadership and co-operation skills, eg. participation in football matches against other schools representing Portland.
4 Foundation Stage
4.1 In the Early Years Foundation Stage Personal, Social and Emotional development is a prime area of learning and development. The Early Years Foundation Stage Framework requires PSED to be taught through three aspects- ‘making relationships’, ‘self-confidence and self-awareness’ and ‘managing feelings and behaviour’. We plan and assess using the Early Years Outcomes. This offers non statutory guidance to inform practitioners of the development of all children within the EYFS. Children will be planned for and assessed in relation to ‘typical behaviour’ for their age and stage of development. Children will be identified as working within an age and stage between 0-5 years (0 months-60+months). The overall aim of the EYFS is to support the children in achieving the Early Learning Goals which they will be assessed against at the end of EYFS 2.
Children in the EYFS are taught through a balance of adult led activities and child initiated continuous provision. The EYFS aims to deliver practical and exciting activities which are ‘hands on’ and motivate the children to learn.
5 Teaching PSHE and citizenship to children with special needs
5.1 We teach PSHE and citizenship to all children, regardless of their ability. Our teachers provide learning opportunities matched to the individual needs of children with learning difficulties. When teaching PSHE and citizenship we take into account the targets set for the children in their Support/Personal Support Plan. Some children with behavioural difficulties have Personal Support Plans which often incorporate targets specifically relating to our PSHE topics and reloaded skills.
6 Assessment and recording
6.1 Teachers assess the children’s work in PSHE and citizenship both by making informal judgements as they observe them during lessons and by doing formal assessments of their work, measured against the specific learning objectives.
7 Resources
7.1 We keep resources for PSHE and citizenship in a central store in topic boxes for each unit of work. We have additional resources in the library. Our PSHE and citizenship subject leader holds a selection of reference materials for teaching sensitive issues, such as bereavement, divorce and adoption.
8 Monitoring and review
8.1 The PSHE and citizenship subject leader is responsible for monitoring the standards of children’s work and the quality of teaching. The subject leader supports colleagues in the teaching of PSHE and citizenship, by giving them information about current developments in the subject and by providing a strategic lead and direction for the subject in the school. We allocate special time for our subject leader to enable him/her to fulfil this role by reviewing samples of children’s work and visiting classes to observe teaching in the subject.
This PSHE and citizenship policy should be read in conjunction with the Health, Safety and Welfare Policy (Drugs, RSE and Anti-Bullying).