Home School Agreement
Co-op Academy Portland
At Co-op Academy Portland we are committed to providing opportunities for all our children to achieve success in a caring, safe and stimulating environment.
The Purpose of our Home – School Agreement
Our Home–School Agreement represents a partnership between home and school and declares our intention to provide the experiences and support necessary for children to realise their potential. We are committed to helping each child achieve her/his best in all aspects of school life.
As individual staff and as a whole school, we will do our best to…
● Provide a safe, well-ordered and caring environment
● Care for your child as a valued member of the school community, irrespective of race, gender or religion
● Promote an ethos in which everyone shows concern and respect for others and their property ● Demonstrate that each and every child is valued as an individual
● Provide a clearly stated, published Behaviour Policy detailing expectations, rewards and sanctions
● Encourage high standards of behaviour always, leading by example
● Have clear aims and learning objectives for all pupils
● Provide a broad, balanced curriculum, extending and supporting learning as needed ● Set targets for your child and discuss these with you
● Set appropriate work that will be marked regularly
● Encourage good attendance and punctuality
● Follow up absences promptly
● Report regularly on your child’s progress, attendance and punctuality
● Inform you at an early stage of any worries or concerns so that you can discuss and become involved in any matter relating to your child
● Listen and respond quickly and sensitively to any concerns or complaints ● Ensure that we are available, by prior agreement, to discuss your child’s progress or your concerns
● Hold regular Parents’ Evenings
● Provide opportunities for you to express your views on school issues and to act on these if appropriate
● Make every effort to ensure that school policies are understood and followed by staff, children and parents
● Keep you informed of school events through regular newsletters
● Inform parents and children of events that the school is involved in
Signed on behalf of the School ____________________________
As Parents/Guardians we will do our best to….
● See that my child comes to school regularly, on time and with all the necessary equipment including P.E. and Games kit when needed
● Support the school’s uniform code
● Support school policies and rules and the school’s code of conduct and behaviour ● Ensure regular attendance and a high standard of punctuality
● Inform the school on the first day of absence if my child cannot attend school due to ill-health or a medical appointment
● Ensure my child has what he/she needs to take a full and active part in all school activities ● Encourage high standards of work and behaviour
● Let the school know about any problems which may affect my child’s learning or behaviour ● Take an interest in the work of my child
● Support and help my child during his/her school life eg: with reading and other home learning activities
● Ensure we uphold the school’s integrity within the community by not misusing any school related / managed social media platforms by posting derogatory, inflammatory or abusive content online
● Encourage a positive attitude to school life and learning
● Attend Parents Evenings and discussions about my child’s progress
● Ensure that the school has up-to-date information for emergency contacts ● Support events that the school is involved in
● Read letters and reply where necessary
Signed Parent/Carer
As a pupil I will do my best to….
● Come to school regularly and on time
● Show that I am willing to work to the best of my ability
● Take pride in my appearance
● Have (and keep tidily) the books and equipment I need for my lessons, including P.E. and Games kit
● Take pride in my work
● Do any homework that is set for me and hand it in on time
● Help to make sure that the school is a pleasant environment in which to work and play, by keeping it clean, tidy and free from litter
● Always behave well, both in school and in the community, remembering that I represent my family and my school wherever I am
● Try and get on with others who are part of our school family
● Show respect and concern for other people and their belongings
● Treat others, as I would expect them to treat me
● Let my teacher or another member of staff know if I have any worries
● Encourage my parents to be involved with my learning
● Take all letters home to my parents
Signed Pupil or Parent/Carer on behalf of the child