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Charging and Remissions Policy

Charging and Remissions policy

Issued: September 2022

Reviewed: September 2023


The Academy Governing Council recognises the valuable  contribution that the wide range of additional activities, including  clubs, out of Academy trips, residential and experiences of other  environments, can make towards students’ all round educational  experience and their personal and social development. No  compulsory charge will be made for activities during Academy  hours that are part of the National Curriculum or religious education  or that form an essential part of the syllabus for an approved  examination.


Portland’s Academy Governing Council wishes to see the  Curriculum enriched as far as possible for the benefit of all  students. It recognises that whatever public funds and sponsors’  endowments are made available they will never be sufficient to fund  all desirable activities at the required level.

Portland’s Academy Governing Council therefore reserves the right  to make a charge in the following circumstances for activities  organised by the Academy:

1. i Academy trips and residential experiences in Academy time:  the board and lodging element of the residential experience and outdoor pursuit courses;

2. ii Activities outside Academy hours: the full cost for each  student of journeys, trips and overnight stays in the United  Kingdom and abroad which take place at weekends and during  holidays, which are deemed to be optional extras;

There may be a charge for examination entry where there is a  request from the parent for additional subject entries to be made  which are not supported by the Academy.


Where the parent/carer of a student is in receipt of qualifying state  benefit(s), the Academy Governing Council will remit in full the cost  of board and lodging for any residential activity that is organised for  the student and which takes place within Academy time. This will  also be the case where the residential activity forms part of the  syllabus for a public examination.

The Academy Governing Council may remit other charges in full or  in part to other parents/carers after considering other specific  hardship cases. The Academy Governing Council invites  parents/carers to apply, in the strictest confidence, for the remission  of charges in part or in full. The Headteacher will authorise  remission in consultation with the Finance Manager for Wirral Hub.